below are some FAQ’s, if there is not an answer to your question below please just pop me an email and I will be happy to help

What ARE your wait times for a commission?

You can use this Text Block to answer any questions your visitors may have. Note that the placeholder question is visually distinguished from the placeholder answer. This was done by alternating the text format, which you can change in the Text Block Editor. Other typographic customizations can be made with style changes.

Can you work with Crystals I supply?

Style changes are edits to the look of your site, like fonts, colors, backgrounds, and spacing. You can make and preview style changes in the Style Editor. Each template's Style Editor has different options called "tweaks." Learn how to use this feature here.

Do you ship outside of the UK?

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non ligula in ligula commodo egestas. Integer cursus egestas ex dapibus eleifend. Maecenas mi erat, condimentum ac blandit sit amet, dapibus a purus. Praesent iaculis rutrum sapien, quis congue ligula tristique vel.

Where can I buy your work?

Donec sed lorem enim. Cras quis quam diam. Maecenas congue aliquet sapien, eu sagittis libero luctus ultrices. Aenean ultrices scelerisque eros, at semper diam euismod eu. Aliquam felis dolor, laoreet non porta tempor, euismod in velit. Nam risus ipsum, porttitor id pharetra vitae, egestas sit amet nibh.


Fusce venenatis posuere magna, eu egestas ipsum. Mauris auctor tincidunt euismod. Etiam sagittis, ante maximus fermentum efficitur, risus elit aliquam mi, vitae laoreet metus dui nec dui. Nulla facilisi. Praesent finibus elit vitae tempor ornare. Vivamus eget dictum risus.


Duis odio ipsum, bibendum et facilisis eget, sollicitudin vitae dui. Curabitur et mi erat. Quisque accumsan ullamcorper lectus, quis suscipit nulla ultrices sit amet. Nunc congue eget erat et maximus. Maecenas sit amet vulputate mi, at tempor ex. Etiam quis enim ante. Praesent posuere mollis diam. Praesent sit amet ante porta, auctor massa eu, dictum risus.